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We want to help you train a dog you can live with

Puppy Socialization and Beginners Classes

Serving the Northwest Suburbs  |  847-991-DOGS (3647)
Serving the Northwest Suburbs
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Effective Dog Training Classes

Help Your Dog Grow Into Its Role as a Pet

Teach your puppies and young dogs the basics of good behavior at The Obedience Center. Our instructors have 40 years of experience in animal training and offer a range of progressively focused classes at affordable rates.
Puppy socialization

Begin With Puppy Socialization

Learn how to raise a dog you can live with! Our puppy socialization class covers everything you and your puppy need to know.
  • Housebreaking
  • Biting
  • Mouthing
  • Socializing
  • Basic commands, including sitting, staying, walking by your side, and staying for short periods
We also offer mini-agility dry runs with a tire, barrel, chute, and tunnel that will help your puppy learn confidence when being introduced to new things. You'll be amazed at how quickly your animal can learn!

Puppy socialization classes are for most breeds from ages 10 weeks to five months. For toy breeds, puppies can be up to seven months old. Every animal must have two series of puppy shots and, if over four months old, their rabies vaccination.
Breaks bad habits

Beginner Obedience Class Breaks Bad Habits

The beginner obedience class is for dogs over six months of age and helps get your pet out of the habit of only obeying when and if it wants to. By the time your dog is this old, bad habits like biting and jumping on people are no longer cute and have become a nuisance. We take you and your dog back to the beginning and retrain the animal to obey commands when they're given.

Your dog will learn to respect you as the alpha in your household (pack) and will interact without the biting, jumping, and other undesirable behaviors.
Puppy training

Obedience Begins With Positive Feedback

Our class starts with positive reinforcement through treats and praises. Once your dog knows what is expected of it, mild correction will be used to make the point that obedience is not optional and we will learn basic commands.
  • Sit
  • Sit stay
  • Down
  • Down stay
  • Walking on a leash without pulling
  • Start the recall
You will also learn solutions for mouthing/biting, jumping on people, digging, barking, jumping on furniture and counters, and almost all dog problems.
Dog behavior class

Advanced Beginner Classes

The Advanced class is for dogs that have completed a Beginner or Puppy class and who are used to working in a group setting. 

We build on where Beginner/Puppy ends, working on better heeling technique, stays under distraction, and recalls.

We also work on the components of the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. This is an official title offered to all dogs, mixed breed or pure, that helps to certify that your dog has decent obedience/social skills.

If you have ever considered doing Therapy Dog work with your canine this is an excellent introduction to the Therapy Dog International test. The CGC test is offered on graduation night and is free of charge.  
Make an
Appointment Today.

847-991-DOGS (3647)
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